viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014

In the Land of Pisco... Letters to The Editor

Pisco / Peru more tan 400 years of History & Tradition
Business Opportunities Write to us at Translate by Katrina Heimark 1. What can we do so that Peruvian Pisco is sold in France at a competitive price? I live in Yvelines, whose capital is Versalles. Paul Andre 2. I’m Peruvian. I live six months of the year in California, three months in Mexico (my wife is Mexican), and three months in Peru. I would like to contact a company that exports Pisco and would like to have a representative abroad. I am a Real Estate Broker in California and Mexico, and in the process of retirement. I want to put my 40 years of experience in various businesses in the service of Peruvian Pisco. I have a few contacts with vineyard owners in Napa, California. Congratulations on your website. Cesar 3. How can I make a business with a small quantity of Pisco? Italo Sanchez Tohalino 4. Dear Sirs, I would appreciate it if you could send more information on how to export pisco, as I am interested in beginning this business and meet Pisco producers, and develop my own brand, as well as learn how to export and earn money with this business. Regards Carlos Peñaranda 5. Good Morning. I’ve read your email and I am very interested in promoting Pisco here (Portugal). I always try to do something, but on a very small scale, and I am trying to participate in small cuisine events, but my biggest limitation is the ability to obtain Pisco. Here it is very expensive (500ml cost 25 Euros), and there is no support from the Embassy. My idea is to organize, through the wine tasting and firewater circles here, the participation with Pisco in a continuous manner, especially for our compatriots in Madrid, who are the closest to be able to participate. In order to participate one must have a variety of piscos, and here we only have one brand and one type of Pisco harvest. Hugs, Marco L. 6. Hi, I live in New York and I heard about you through Cadena Sur. I would like you to tell me if you know where I can get all the varieties of Pisco here in New York, I live in Maspeth. Once I’ve purchased acholado and quebranta, and it took luck, because it isn’t something you do every day purchase Pisco, and you must request it from the liquor store.! The only brand they sell in NY is Ocucaje. Well, I hope you can help. I Thank you and congratulate you on your website! Good luck, from all my heart. Long live Peru!! Cecilia Pinillos 7. Please send me information about the opportunity to have business with pisco in the United States. I would appreciate it if you could send information as soon as possible, as I am planning to visit Peru, and I would like to have information before I travel. Sincerely, Cesar M. Marius Fax (240) 473 - 6856 CMMARIUS@AOL.COM 8.-I would like to know waht type of business oportunities I could have with the distribution of nwe products in Nwe Jersey. Eduardo Poma 9. I would like to know more about these business opportunities. I am starting a company whose goal is the Pisco industry. Thanks for your response. Nana Luzmila 10.-Hello Livio, Where can I buy Pisco in Western Australia? Cheers Emmanuel Blondel elpiscoesdelperu

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